Social media management

  • Starter bundle $350/mo

    - 1 platform

    - 8 posts per month with captions + hashtags

    - Weekly stories

    - Monthly content plan

    - Performance report

  • Growth bundle $600/mo

    - 2 platforms

    - 10 posts per month with captions + researched hashtags

    - Weekly stories

    - Monthly content plan

    - 2 reels per month

    - Weekly performance report

    - Audience engagement (comments + DM’s)

  • Premium bundle $850/mo

    - up to 3 platforms

    - 12 posts per month with captions + researched hashtags

    - Weekly stories

    - Monthly content plan

    - 4 reels per month

    - Advanced performance report

    - Audience engagement (comments + DM’s)

  • * Add Ons *

    Brand Strategy $100

    Custom Business Cards $100+